Wednesday, March 9, 2011

In the article Non Stop News by Ken Auletta he quotes Peter Baker a White House correspondent for the Times saying: “When do you have time to call experts? When do you have time to sort through data and information and do your own research? Even with a well-staffed news organization, we are hostages to the non-stop, never-ending file-it-now, get-on-the Web, get-on the radio, get-on-the TV media environment.” He uses this quote after discussing the way news and the way news is covered has changed with modern technology. Everything now moves at a faster pace. There is no time to spend on any one piece of news following up on leads or even doing too much research. Let alone time for people to reflect upon the news items. No in depth thinking just a quick skim over the top. He compares reporters to hostages in this new way media news is covered. Which I find to be a fascinating way to make this claim because that’s probably how a lot of reporters are feeling now. A hostage situation would be fast paced and high intensity just like the news today seems. Hear about it and jump into the race to be the first to cover it in some media form. And now traditional news is few and far between todays more modern news where celebrities actions are right up there with important things happening in the world. So not only is the way the news is covered changing but also the kind of news that is being covered has changed.

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