Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Peter Baker says that a reporter covering his beat ten years ago hat "the luxury of writing for the next day's newspaper. he had a least a few hours to call people, to access information, to provide context. today, as much as you wnat to do that, by the time your deadlinge comes around you;ve already filed for the Web"-often more than once. in between times, your;ve filed for radio, and appeared on TB, and maybe done a podcast or a blog." when do you have to to call experts? when do you gave time to sort through data and information and do your own research? ven with a weel-staffed news organization, we are hostages to the non-stop, never-ending file -it-now, get-on-the-Web, get-on-the-radio, get-on-TV media environment"
This passage comes from the forth page underneith the poem "EarthQuake" Peter Baker is saying that because of this extremly quick twenty-four hour news cycle reporters are not doing the best of thier ability reporting the news because they simply don't have the time need to do the best job. He is elaborating that becasue of this news cycle all the information is mostly he said she said material and not so much of the reporter giving his compentary on the subject. My passage uses words such as luxury to express how the news was different ten years ago and from how it is now. He also uses words such as "file in now," "never-ending" to give you a sense of how the media is now. This passage helps explain the article as a whole and the issue at hand because this whole article is based on the media and before he gets into the article he wants the readers to understand how the media operates to further explain "the issue at hand."

1 comment:

  1. I do agree with you. But what i also think that the author touches upon here is that the world of news is not the same. "Peter Baker says that a reporter covering his beat ten years ago hat "the luxury of writing for the next day's newspaper" by saying that he is implying that the people who wrote the news ten years ago had a much easier time and were able to get news out, not fast news but quality news. That quality is what is missing from the news because have to get it out and have to get it circualted.
