Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Non-stop news

“When journalists call you to discuss a story, it’s not because they’re interested in having a discussion. They’re interested in a response. And the need to file five times a day encourages this.”

This passage comes from Anita Dunn and is about how when a reporter calls the White House for a story they only want short little sound bites and not necessarily the context of the story. I think that it is interesting that some journalists are filing at least 5 times a day. With this kind of fast paced multiple filing it doesn’t leave journalist much time to do more research and find objective facts about their story. I think that this relates to the article as a whole because it is one of the repercussions of the fast paced 24 hr. news cycle.

1 comment:

  1. I think it's also interesting to look at it as the journalists aren't asking the questions for the answers particularly, but more poking for a reaction that compliments their angle on a story.
