Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Non Stop News Write

In the article “Non Stop News” by Ken Auletta he states that “During the campaign, Hillary Clinton and John McCain both complained that the press favored Obama; that sense of imbalance was a matter of bitter resentment. The pew research center’s project for excellence in journalism… found that McCain was the subject of negative stories twice as frequently as Obama.” I think that this passage is important and interesting to me because it shows how much power the media has, in this article it talked about how Obama used the media to get out his word to America. The part that was most interesting is how McCain had twice as many negative stories about him compared to Obama, I wonder if that is really because of how Obama used the media more than McCain, maybe Obama defended himself of the negative stories that the media put out there compared to McCain. Yet another meaning that someone could perceive from that scentence is that people just favored Obamas ideas then thinking that it was because he used the news to his advantage.

1 comment:

  1. From what the article said, Obama used the media to it advantage. Obama made a comment and the media was all over it. Obama was the first African-American President, and of course they are going to cover him more than any President in history. What a story.
