So here I am joining the world of blogging. This has always interested me. Posting deep thoughts for a whole Internet society to be privy to. Let's start with first things first. My name is Anna and obviously I am a blogging virgin. Let's see... A few years ago I was working my job as a Lighting Consultant. I had benefits, amazing pay, and a company car. Now this is what society would have us believe is where you are supposed to be in your life. Making good money, buying things you don't need and living every day like a robot. Or at least that is how I was feeling. Deeply unhappy. I was divorced with no children and working a job that was killing me. So I quit! Bought a Subaru wagon and gave away 90% of everything that I owned. Packed up the wagon and became a rubber tramp with my best friend of 19 years. We traveled down the coast living in the car, a tent, and anywhere that called our names. This life changing adventure ended with a 31 hour bus ride to Mexico, living on an abandoned beach, and an altered perception of everything I'd ever thought. But I guess this blog got long enough and I will save some of those adventures for later. The end result was that I found my calling. I am now working as a nursing assistant for less than half of what I used to make and I am happy. So happy that it radiates into everything I do. So here I am attending Whatcom. Slowly on my way to becoming a nurse. Thanks for listening to me. Namaste!
Part 2:
So the second part of this blogging assignment is to write about what kind of writing I do. I write all the time. From letters, to emails, poems, songs, and 2 partially started books. But of all the writing I do the one I would like to address in this blog is texting. I just joined the fascinating world of cell phones about a year ago and am recently recovering from a texting addiction. I always abstained from cell phones and their cancer causing batteries, and was constantly perturbed at everyone always staring at their phones. That was until I got one and now I don't know how I ever lived without it. :) Texting is my favorite form of communication. It is instant gratification. It's quick, easy; I don't have to sit down and have a lengthy conversation. If I don't feel like responding I don't have to and I can easily judge if it's something important or not. Texting has made my life easier in the sense that I keep in better contact with my friends. I check my phone more often than I ever did my email. But as a negative aspect, if I am not careful it can take away from the quality time I spend with people face to face. Because even though I now love my phone, I can still remember my irritation over hanging out with someone who is only half involved in whatever we are doing or talking about. Because the other half is preoccupied with their cell phone. So if I can keep this in mind, then texting is the kind of functional writing I am doing every day.
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