Thursday, January 13, 2011

Reading Response #2

One would suggest in Nicholas Carr’s article, “Is Google Making Us Stupid,” that there are different thought processing tools we use to change the way our brain works. One tool would be the Web. Google for example, has hyperlinks (link to a link to a link), e-mails, blogs, and Pod casts. The web configures the process of thought by moving particles of information quickly.

Another form of technique described in this article is texting on cell phones.
It leads to a different kind of knowledge that shaped circuitry inside our heads. In fact, there are a couple of types of machines that help our brains focus on information. There are two types of equipment used to improve the resourcefulness of getting tasks accomplished. The type writer that Nietzsche used made it simpler to bring information flow from head to the paper he typed, and the mechanical clock makes us process daily life tasks we do each day.

According to Carr, he commented on Frederick Winslow Taylor’s stopwatch that he carried around trying to make his machinists more efficient. Carr said that it turned his workers in to” automatons, and made production soar”, and he called it “his system,” to maximize factory performances. It gave his workers different ways your brain can solve and work out problems quicker and be more efficient and productive.
He states that “our brains are malleable and “that nerve cells routinely break old connections and form new ones”, this article suggests that our brains are leading to be more computer like in processing and time wise. It changes the way we think compared to generations before us. In his article people are afraid of new technology, but we should embrace it. Technology is always changing and we should not be afraid of change.

I agree that in today’s society, computers are very important parts of life. You can do almost everything on them today from keeping track of schedules, writing school work, to social networking. In the past our only source of media was T.V. How did that make our brains work? I believe the Web is making our brains handle more information more effectively, and process it more efficiently and give us tools to use. It is not making us a simple-minded people, but search engines like Google are making it more convenient for people to look up various information. You don’t have to go to the library and get 10 different books of information that might take hours to read and research, when Google had information ready in just minutes. These tools are making our brain adaptable and more active.

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