Part One)
The Digital Nation, produced by Rachel Dretzin, is a video that truly expresses how the internet is changing the world in many ways we would have never dreamed over a decade ago. Now, we learn in and out of schools, connect with others, play games, and even multitask differently than we did years ago. In this video, it emphasizes that most children and teens spend over 50 hours a week using digital media, that’s more than some of their parents work in a week.
Some people feel that they need the internet as a way to communicate with friends and family because everyone is online. When I heard this, I thought if we feel this shouldn’t be our main way of communication, what ever happened to talking face to face and even just talking on the phone. There is a big difference in people who grew up with technology and are the natives as the video says and those who did not grow up with technology the immigrants.
For me, it is weird to think that people go to work without going to work. People can go to work from home by using Second Life, a computer program that companies use. At IBM no one was at work, they were all working by using Second Life. I cannot seem to grasp this because they are working together through the computer but can actually be doing something else while working. Also, the military uses computers for missions and recruiting. When I think of military I think of guns, and ammo not sitting behind a computer screen.
The one thing that stood out to me most was that children will believe that they actually swam with dolphins/whales after doing so on the computer. The internet makes it so you can physically be in one place but in your mind, and on the computer, you are in a completely different place.
Part Two)
Before this video and the other videos and readings we have done in class, I never seemed to realize how much time and energy I spend on the computer or another form of digital media. Before, I never thought it was a problem or something I should think about. Now, I feel that I am missing out on so much that my parents didn’t miss out on because they were not effect by technology the way I have been. I could go on to say that I want to change the way I go about my days and not use technology as much as I do now, but both you and I know that in our world today, it is hard to go about the day and not use technology in one way or another.
In the video, it voices that schools have changed over the past 25 years to incorporate technology, with schools now I don’t know how I could cut technology out of my life. Some people barley use the internet, don’t have a cell phone, and don’t watch a lot of television, but in our world, if I got rid of these things then how would I communicate with my friends and family. I like the possibility of being able to chat or email or even see someone that is so far away maybe even half way around the world but by using the internet is right there in the room with me. The way technology has changed in the past decade is beyond what I would have thought, but just think ten years from now, we could be a completely viral world.
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