Technology today is changing society; it has developed new ways not only in our academics but in communication and the way we think. Rachel Dretzin has noticed these changes and in the production of her PBS documentary “Digital Nation” she along with co-host Douglas Rushkoff, strive to determine what these changes mean for future generations. In this documentary, Dretzin emphasizes how technology creates a range of opportunities that were never possible for past generations and though they do have positive outputs it is not without negative affects. One example she uses to convey this point is technology in education. One school she investigates was almost shut down; the kids weren’t meeting academic standards and were getting in fights daily. After the principle brought in laptops for every student to use for their work their attendance went up along with their reading and math scores. Other schools have noticed opposite affects with technology. Students in technical school who thought they were excellent at multitasking were examined in a study and what doctors discovered was they were actually some of the worst at multitasking. Dretzin investigates these changes not only in education but also, video games, communication and military advancement and in each category she discovers similar issues. Whether one embraces it or fights it, humanity is changing, the main point is that individuals need to be aware of the consequences of these changes.
This documentary has really helped me understand just how complex the changes are that technology has promoted. I realize now that the changes are not just in the United States but world wide, they are not just in young kids but in society as a whole and that these changes have the potential to be both beneficial and destructive. As I reflect on the affects technology has had on me, I have realized I have become both dependant and despising of it. Dependence is a very strong word and I hate that I’d have to be dependant on anything least of all technology but I am, I use it in almost everything I do; internet alone I use for various types of communication, watching a TV show I missed earlier in the week, finding an answer to a random question I had, to even the school work I’m doing at this very moment. Although technology is a big part of my life I dislike the use of it. When growing up and out at a restaurant if a phone went off during dinner it was considered very impolite and the person the phone belonged to would get a dirty look from surrounding people, nowadays a ringing phone it not just ordinary, it is to be expected. When I am visiting my cousin that I only get to see maybe twice a year she is constantly on her phone I am never able to have her full attention but in today’s world that is not considered rude. There have been instances where a friend’s boyfriend would rather play “Call of Duty” then hangout with her but she’s ok with it because “he’s a guy and that is what guys do these days”. The list could go on but the main point is that I feel people are forgetting respect. Change is unavoidable for society, people will have technology in their lives regardless but how we change with this technology is a choice that individuals do have and it is those choices will determine the success of future generations.
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