Wednesday, February 9, 2011


When Robinson refers to education being as important as literacy and dance and important as neuroscience he means that each aspect of education should be equally important because each aspect of education involves creativity. I think that he is making such potentially provocative claims because education is what will take us to the future but if education is killing our creativity than how will we come up with something new and original. I would have to agree because i am afraid of being wrong and I don’t like the feeling too. I don’t know exactly how to change this problem but maybe if the educational system would help us flourish in all aspects of education the fear of being wrong would vanish and our ability to be creative would help us come up with new and original ideas.


  1. I have to agree with your points on the fear of being wrong and make a statement, suggestion, thing. When you are in school you are afraid of making an ass of yourself by being wrong,ive been there. But! people need to break out of those shells and speak up more often. Those who ignore history, are doomed to repeat it.

  2. I also live in fear of saying somthing completely off base in class. Sometimes I will think of somthing I find interesting related to the subject, but I would rather not run the risk of sounding like a freak. At the same time "Jordan Ray" was completely right in that it is almost totally our fault for being so sheepish, no one can read our minds and know what we are wondering. If somthing goes with out being asked or being said you are the only one who suffers so you are the one who needs to speak up.
