In the video “How Schools Kill Creativity” starring Sir Ken Robinson he makes the claim that, “Creativity now, is as important as literacy and we should treat it with the same status.” His ideas are all centered round the thought that education is brain wiping kids. He believes, and I agree, that the education system is scaring people away from creativity. Learning is diverse in that, not one of us accomplishes it the same exact way as our colleagues. People learn through sound, sight, touch, conversation and even combinations of those and there is no way that learning systems are going to be able to reach every person’s educational needs when they are so focused on creating worker bees.
“Academic ability is dominating our view of intelligence because universities designed the system in their image… The consequence of this is many highly talented, brilliant, creative people think they are not because the only thing they were good at in school wasn’t valued or was actually stigmatized,” Robinson said. All around the world children are being taught for a job they will have later in life. Schools everywhere focus on subjects in this standard order: Math and language, Humanities, then the arts. But, why can’t the world teach dance to kids the same way it teaches math? All children are born with the tremendous ability to be creative and before they go to school they have the most brilliant imaginations and the potential to be great, not just academically. It’s like Picaso said, “All children are born an artist. The problem is to remain an artist.” When we tell kids that the creativity inside them is wrong then bring them up in a world where their sole purpose it to go to a school teaching them to serve the industry, we take away who they were created to be and make it nearly impossible to keep the creativity they were born with.
Education was created to lead us to industrial jobs but the world is in a revolution. It’s in a place where kids will possibly no longer have learning disabilities but have talents that pioneer a way for new jobs. Being wrong is not the same thing as being creative so people shouldn’t live in the mindset that just because their different they’re wrong. They are creative, they are new, they are now. So don’t fool yourselves into believing that if you are not good at math you will fail at life, find the gift put in you and soar with it. Don’t let education oppress your imagination.
Don't let the system oppress the human spirit <3 YES, Viva la revolucion