“Jesus is a brand of Jeans,” written by Jean Kilbourne who talks about the world of Advertising. “Ads have long promised us a better relationship via a product: buy this and you will be loved. But more recently they have gone beyond that proposition to promise us a relationship with the product itself: buy this and it will love you. The product is not so much the means to an end, as the end itself.” This quote had really grabbed my attention because it states the true meaning of Advertising. Ads used to be there for us for a support after we buy the product but now it’s all about the “product.” People in today’s society seem to pay attention more to advertising than anything else. This article also talks about the way people have better relationships with products rather than an actual person. A product won’t call people names, won’t tell them everything they are doing wrong. A product is simply a product. “In the world of advertising, lovers grow cold, spouses grow old, children grow up and away – but possessions stay with us and never change.” Everything eventually disappears from us in the real world, but the stuff we own are there with us as long as we want them to be and they don’t ever change.
I agree with the quote, “Ads have long promised us a better relationship via a product: buy this and you will be loved. But more recently they have gone beyond that proposition to promise us a relationship with the product itself: buy this and it will love you. The product is not so much the means to an end, as the end itself,” because I have experienced this in my life as well as every person in the world today has. Advertising is one of those things that are constantly with us and around us no matter where we are. We might not notice that it has an affect on us until we are at the store or somewhere else with products. For instance, a couple weeks ago I went shopping for a pair of white jeans. I went to Wal-Mart, K-Mart, TJ Max, etc., and couldn’t find any pair that I liked or were “in style.” Then once I went to the mall I had ended up buying $50 pair of jeans. Why?? I could have gotten a pair of pants that look about the same for a lot cheaper. Is it because I really liked them or is it because of the brand? I think that advertising plays a big role in our lives when we don’t even realize it.
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