Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Responce to Sir Ken Robinson's video

I strongly agree with Ken Robinson's claim about dance and creativity being just as important as neuroscience. When people are creative they use their thoughts and expressions much more than when they are learning about things that have been taught for centuries. Creativity produces new ideas that are unique and can be very helpful to others. For example, many people invent new things at home that other people havent thought of yet and eventually a lot of those ideas go out to the public and become very useful. Robinson feels passionate about creativity because he lived the experience of his friend Julian who was ADD and went on to be a millionare by doing what she did best, dance. In order for society to see how much creativity can really be a good thing in school and in life, the government should try to add more creative classes give the kids a chance to explore what they're good at. Some kids might never even know they're talented at something until they try it.

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