Jonah Laugharn
Schools kill creativity is a short stand-up like video telling about how the school system literally shut down the will for people to want to know or make individualism part of their daily lives, before the 19th century there were no national school systems and it primarily tells how industrialism changed that, and turned people in to specialist in machinery and maintenance as well as other things, and that being the goal of public school system shuts down the capacity for people to be creative as well as happy and pretty much tells how people don’t get jobs being anything creative instead the system turns people into practically conforming slaves.
The idea of a school is a brilliant one, but is being misused and abused to fit special interests of primarily business men and industrial tycoons, even today there is evidence of this behavior. Education rather than money is the real route in the future, there should be no hierarchy of subjects telling what is better to know and setting standards, after all we claim to be a country that encourages freedom of thought and expression and then we set up an educational system that takes away the will and time to be expressive and free-thinking individuals.
We need to go past the corporate way of thinking; the commercials that take up one-third of every television seem to have taken up more than a third of our minds, turning us in to corporate consuming obedient workers to the powers that be. Money is not all that’s out there and unless we are going to take away every other thing except money we need to start looking and learning to see what else is achievable. Needing an incentive turns the individual in to a dependent goon. Mental freedom is the greatest of all, and until knowledge rains supreme the public will continue to be dumbed down and problem causing rather then solving.
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